Welcome to remote NYC

A community of young professionals who like to #WorkFromAnywhere and travel together.

Bringing group travel to remote workers.

remote NYC is a community of like-minded young professionals working fully (or partially) online.

We love to travel and we love to meet fellow remote workers, but we don’t love the hassle that comes with trying to organize schedules for group trips.

With remote NYC working and traveling with fellow adventurers is made easy and accessible by allowing members to;

  • Post trips and invite others to join 

  • Share travel ideas, tips, and itineraries  

  • Engage with new people in new places while building a community of travelers


Wyoming/Idaho border

Mexico City, Mexico


St. George, Utah

remote NYC
work and travel, together

Meet Farida, a social impact strategy consultant, and remoteNYC founder

remote NYC was born from my love of meeting new people and exploring new places (as local as exploring a different NYC borough on a Saturday and as foreign as immersing myself in a country where English isn’t the primary – or secondary – language for 6 weeks on my own.) I love bringing people together and challenging myself, and others, to step out of our comfort zones.

I started remote NYC to bring group travel to more remote workers by connecting them with like-minded and adventurous friends to travel and experience the world with.


In my first year of launching remoteNYC, I’ve stargazed at 2am in the middle of Zion National Park, hiked a 15-er, traveled successfully with my puppy Mia to one of the most dog friendly cities in the US, and learned how to 2-step at one of the world’s most famous landmark cowboy bars (open since 1937)... all of which I know I wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for this amazing and diverse community of friends.

Our community includes

45 members from
15 different cities across the United States, Canada, Mexico and Colombia.

Get to know some of our members